Saturday, December 22, 2012


Hey Pretties,

i didn't know i had been away for soo long. Been a mum to a new baby and a 3year-old toddler surely has it's challenges and that's why i'm putting up this post at 4am being the only time in 24hrs that i have time for myself.

A lot of things have happened in the last 2months, i added another year on the 4th of december *Yay*, was everywhere in Lagos attending to clients with a baby who loves to eat(or drink as the case may be) *Phew*,been trying to lose weight *rolls eyes* and just braving the challenges of each new day.

Anyway,i'm back with lots of reviews and tutorials,so please check back daily!!

Pretty K


  1. Are you kiddin me,you rocked kiko chai if you can rock kiko i can rock it too.Irrespective of ma didi kiko here i come lol.

  2. You have no idea how much i love your blog! and your work of course. keep up the great work. if i was ever going to let anyone but myself do my makeup, it'd be You. congrats on your super cute baby. have a blessed year.


Thanks for stopping by,your comments are very much appreciated.
