Hey Pretties,
It's been a pretty busy couple of days attending to brides and other clients & mehn, have i missed you all soo much. Now this post is intended as a guide to help all intending brides who read it know what to look for in their makeup artist & help makeup artists know what intending brides expect of them. Hopefully,i'll do a good job with this post.
My Bride & I (Photo Credit : Bayo Omoboriowo) |
This post is mostly targeted at Nigerian-based Makeup artists but may apply in other countries.
- She expects you to be punctual, you have no reason to be late. She's the STAR of this particular day & the last thing she needs to be doing is calling you over & over asking :
Where are you?
If i in Pregnancy can get on an OKADA(motorcycle) just in an attempt to avoid disappointing a bride/client. Please tell me,what's your excuse?????
- Most brides have no idea how they want to look on their big-day, all they want is :
TO LOOK FINE (lol,i hear this a lot) & so they expect their artist is going to be able to do just that. Understanding Color Theory goes a long way,so artists get reading & practicing.
- Brides expect their artists to know the difference between Bridal & Fashion Makeup, if you don't know that, please make sure you do. Avoid making your bride look a ghost of her pre-transformed self.
- Brides will never book an artist without at least viewing a few pictures of work you've done. Please for no reason should you then use another artist's hardwork & claim the credits. If you've been doing that, SHAME ON YOU!!! Some day,that action will catch up with you & can do harm to your reputation as an artist.
- Except you completely trust the skills of your artist, please request a Trial-session. This is beneficial for both Bride & Artist. But i beg of you,be sure you are going to be employing that artist's service if that trial session is free, otherwise, be ready to pay for that service.
- Every Bride/Client is a potential link to 2 more clients, be nice & accommodating even when the bride isn't sure of what she wants.
- If you have been chosen over another makeup artist to do a job & your client/bride tells you who they wanted to use. Never EVER bad-mouth a colleague, tables may turn one day & it could be you.
- To a certain degree,be friends with your bride. Some makeup artists may not agree with me on this one, but the truth of the matter is that it never hurts. Infact, it helps you do a better job when you understand your client to a degree.
- If you have no idea how to mix colors, ask for the colors of her Trad wear / bouquet ahead of time. This should be a guide in getting you COLOR_READY. That day isn't the time to start experimenting,despite having done a trial.
- Except you are PICASSO, please agree to a trial session with your bride. This shortens the time of application on the D-day because you have discussed the various looks the bride is hoping to go for.
- If you somehow aren't familiar with the location your bride is dressing up from, please ask for directions inclusive of landmarks. If that still isn't helpful, ask people you know. That day is certainly not the kind of day to get LOST.
- If Blackberry is the
ONLY contact link between you & your bride, please bridge the gap of communication by asking the bride for her phone number as well as that of her sibling / maid of honor. BB users should understand that having just one phone or means of contact is Silly. If you fall into this category, please do something about it FAST!
- Please keep to the schedule of that day! If your event is to start at a certain time & you & your artist have discussed timing, please keep to your end of the deal. This allows you get the very best from your artist & this ensures nothing is left out.
- No artist loves surprises!! If you have discussed the number of faces you want your artist to handle & then on that day,an aunt or two want that service as well. Please plan to reward your artist for the trouble / politely tell your aunt/s the service fee. Trust me,it means a lot to your artist when you do so.
- If for some reason, you change your mind about your artist OR your wedding date has changed, pls give your artist due notice. This is because that artist may have turned down numerous assignments for that day & informing them of the change in plans, helps a great deal.
I purposely left out mode of payment & contract terms, as artists have their various ways of conducting their business, but please be as transparent as possible.
Hopefully,i didn't say too much & in some way i have made the world a better place :-D